Schuman biography: chronology
Born Jean Baptist Nicholas Robert Schuman in Luxembourg in 29
June 1886, son of Jean-Pierre Schuman (born a Frenchman who became German
after 1871 with inclusion of Alsace-Lorraine into Bismarck's Germany) and
Eugenie Duren, a Luxembourger.
Education in Luxembourg city and Metz, garrison city of German Lorraine
Languages: Luxembourgish (a language common to a large border region beyond the Grand Duchy, in France, Germany and Belgium), French, German, Latin, Greek (classical and NT), English.
1900 Death of his father, 'one of most likable personalities of Luxembourg
city, loved by all who knew him' when Schuman was 14 years
1904-8 University: courses at Bonn, Munich, Berlin and Strasbourg,
in law, history, economics, politics, theology, statistics, classics, degree
in law, diploma in philosophy.
1908 Exempted from military service on health grounds
1909 Pilgrimage to Rome for beatification of Joan of Arc
Feb 1910 Doctor in civil law at Strasbourg with highest distinction:
Dr. jur. with summa cum laude
Practical law exams. Member of Metz Bar until his death in 1963.
1911 Death of mother in horse carriage accident.
1912 Opens barrister's chambers in Metz
October, Joint leader
of German delegation to International Christian Peace through Law Congress
at Leuven, Belgium.
1913 Paschal Retreat at Maria Laach with Heinrich Platz, Catholic pacifist,
and Heinrich Bruening, later German chancellor.
1914 Outbreak of WW1. Called up but sent to non-combatant battalion.
He never wore a German uniform.
1915-18 Civil administrator of sequestered property.
1919 Elected at 33 as one of youngest Deputies to French Assembly.
Served until 1962 as Deputy for Thionville, France's great steel town.
The Versailles Treaty, he said was 'only a negative peace about which
the Alsace and Lorraine deputies were not even consulted.'
1919 Alsace-Lorraine Parliamentary Committee 1919-40, secretary, then
vice-president and president. Committee on civil and criminal law 1919-29
and 1939-40.
1920 Advisory committee for Alsace-Lorraine at Strasbourg.
1919-24 Major contribution to drafting and parliamentary passage of
'Lex Schuman', a law code conciliating earlier French and prewar
German legislation for Alsace-Lorraine with the rest of France -- called
the greatest act of legal unification attempted till then and, moreover,
accomplished with the approval of the populations concerned. This provided
respect for local traditions and unity with metropolitan France. The key
legal philosophy is the same as he applied in founding the European Union.
1922 Visited London as expert in Alsace-Lorraine legislation.
Investigated and patiently uncovered postwar corruption in Lorraine
steel industries
1919-39 Contributions to scholarly legal publications
1925 Supported Briand's policy and Locarno Pact.
'We refused Germany everything when we could have given them something
and gave them everything when we should have refused. I would like to do
something else.' -- Schuman as post WW2 Foreign Minister.
Member of Parliamentary Finance Committee, 1929-39, Secretary 1932-6.
Already in 1930s considered one of top experts in national and international
finance. Helped to provide loan to sustain Austria against nazism.
1930 Budapest for millennial celebrations of St Stephen
1932 Supported disarmament with guarantees.
July. Attended congress
in Cologne where Adenauer was Lord Mayor but 'I did not meet the administrator
of that great city.'
1933 Secret visit to Yugoslavia, talked
to King and all ethnic communities. On return to Paris sent an urgent warning
to French Foreign Minister Barthou about the danger to King Alexander in
Marseilles. Warning ignored, both were assassinated! Wrote about aggravation
of ethnic disputes and the need to create community policies to unite Yugoslavia
plus lack of press freedom in France.
1936 Re-elected deputy for Thionville; General-councillor
for Catenom, canton that included Schuman family home of Evrange.
1938 In party delegation to see Prime Minister
Daladier about peace in Europe. Voted in favour of Munich accords in order
to save peace in Europe.
1939 October Poitiers, joined refugee Lorrainers.
In this 'phoney war' period before German invasion, Schuman told young
teachers to prepare the young people for brotherhood with neighbouring
nations after the war was over! The fratricidal wars that had plagued Europe
for centuries and decimated its populations must be ended for ever.
1940 On 22 May named Junior Minister (Under
Secretary of State) attached to the Deputy Prime Minister in government
of Paul Reynaud who appreciates Schuman's advice on Germany. De Gaulle
offered the post of a Junior Minister for War. Schuman contacts German
Resistance figures.
16 June Renamed in same office by Petain government without his approval,
resigned without taking office.
End of August, returned to occupied Lorraine on a mission of investigation.
Organized resistance to Nazi take-over of Lorraine.(Alsace-Lorraine
was incorporated into Nazi Reich).
14 September. Protestation at Nazi action in Lorraine. First French
Deputy arrested by Nazis. Incarcerated in solitary confinement
in Metz prison. Interrogated by Gestapo.
1941 13 April Saved from SS and probable death. Held
as personal political prisoner by Nazi Gauleiter Buerckel in Neustadt
(Rhineland Palatinate).
1941-2 Collected intelligence information secretly
from German sources. His conclusion after his statistical analysis: German
defeat is certain. Nazi power then attaining its greatest expansion and
appears to others as invincible: its armies attack Leningrad and Moscow.
Analyzed top secret Nazi economic report . Told visiting friends about
need for postwar European structure.
1942 1 August escaped to Free French zone.
In a series of large public meetings, he made his Victory Declaration
revealing the certainty of coming Nazi defeat. Schuman is one of first
politicians to expose both to the public and the authorities the facts
of the Nazi extermination of Jews. Germans then invaded the French
'free zone'.
1942-4 Chose to stay and work underground in occupied France.
Three years of clandestinity with 100,000 Reichmark reward on his head.
Spoke to Resistance friends (much to their consternation) on need for postwar
reconciliation with Germany. De Gaulle sent invitation for him to come
to London. Schuman preferred to stay with compatriots in Nazi-occupied
France. Twelve different addresses in France. Prepared work for solid supranational
European institutions, healthier democracy as Europe is liberated.
1944 September returned to Metz.
1945 As member of departmental liberation committee,
he urged moderation. Unable to return as deputy because of so-called illegibility
due to 'participation' in Petain's government. After political delays,
suspension declared invalid.
1945 21 October re-elected to Constituent Assembly.
President of Financial Committee of Assembly.
1946 June re-elected in Second Constituent
Assembly, became Finance Minister. In fragile coalition governments
that include Communists, Schuman succeeded in balancing the hugely overspent
budget, tackling gross corruption and providing basis for healthy, unprecedented
growth of Fourth Republic.
Welcomed Winston Churchill to Metz where Churchill gave his first post-war
'European' speech encouraging French to 'unify in an effort whose final
goal is Europe. .. By this effort you will save Europe and in saving her
you will save France'.
1947 January came second in vote for speaker of Assembly,
after Vincent Auriol.
22 November became Prime Minister of a Christian Democrat-Radical-Socialist
coalition. His government included France's first woman minister and leading
French politicians including seven past or future prime ministers, two
presidents. His democratic 'third force' government under fierce attack
by extreme left and right to destroy IV Republic.
1948 February Communist coup de Prague
in Czechoslovakia heralded Communists seizure of power in Soviet-occupied
European states. Cominform-inspired synchronized strikes across western
Europe. Schuman stabilized France's gravest political situation, when Communist-led
insurrectional strikes, bloodshed and sabotage led the US government
to fear that France too would be lost. Parliament was in tumult, the French
economy under savage attack.. Schuman declared: 'Everything must be
dominated by the concern to save the Republic because this concern covers
all the others. Save the Republic means defending freedom, all our freedoms.'
Schuman brought stability by moderation and a firm, open, honest approach.
Schuman government marks radical change in French policy: preparation
for revolutionary supranational organisation of Europe.
1948 3 April Signature of Marshall Plan. Organization,
later OECD, set up in Paris.
10 June Berlin blockade
July. Final act of first Schuman Government is to propose new organization
of western Europe. Became Foreign Minister. (Remained Foreign Minister
in successive governments of Marie, Schuman, Queuille, Bidault, Pleven,
Queuille, Pleven, Faure, Pinay until 1953)
Launched governmental Europe initiative leading to the creation
of the Council of Europe. Despite fundamental opposition Schuman
brought negotiations to successful conclusion. 23 August letter to P-H Spaak
about calling an international conference to prepare a European Assembly
followed by their meeting in Paris early September.
Meeting with Konrad Adenauer near Coblence.
30/1 August to 11 September: Short-lived, second Schuman government
with Schuman also Foreign Minister. His coalition government contained
many leading politicians and future leaders and included a black Afro-French
minister. Reinforces Council of Europe initiative with first meetings foreseen
in 1949. Certain powers of decisions will 'involve states abandonning
the relevant areas of sovereignty.' This will allow the creation of
a 'nucleus for a federative organisation of Europe to which countries
could freely give their adhesion.' Schuman government is followed by that
of Henri Queuille.
October. Discussions with
US Secretary of State George Marshall on western defence.
Franco-British agreement
on Paris as head quarters for European defence.
1949 4 April signature of North Atlantic Treaty in
Washington, NATO. Schuman was co-author of the Treaty, especially
Article 5 defining the principles of Community defence later introduced
into the European Defence Community.
5 May. Statute signature for Council of Europe: It laid, said Schuman
'the foundations for spiritual and political cooperation from which
the European spirit will be born and the principle of a vast and long-lasting
supranational union that has neither the objective nor the consequence
of weakening our connection to the nation.'
'It started a work without precedent in the history of Europe,'
Schuman wrote. Condition of membership: rule of law and respect
for human rights. European ministers approved preparation of a Convention.
1949 16 May. Major speech in Strasbourg on European unity and reconcilation:
‘We are attempting a great experiment, the fulfillment of the same dream
.. of ten centuries: an organisation putting an end to war and guaranteeing
eternal peace.’ ‘The 19th century saw, with the
rise of a national spirit, nationalisms asserting themselves. Our century
is the witness of catastrophes that result.. It must now attempt and succeed
in reconciling nations in a supranational association.’ He makes
courageous plea for solving the German problem. ‘There is only one solution:
the European solution.’ He gives it a name: the European
Community. Hence he announces both Europe's new name and the supranational
governance that will mark the world in the 21st century..
July Honorary
citizen of Luxembourg
NATO installed in Paris.
Foundation of German Federal Republic, Adenauer becomes Chancellor. Further
meetings of Schuman with Adenauer in Germany just before he became Chancellor
and further meetings during Adenauer's secret visit to Paris.
1950 14 January official visit to Bonn as German Federal
capital. Closed meeting Adenauer/Schuman.
April, Schuman speaks to Monnet. Then Schuman's Directeur de Cabinet,
Bernard Clappier asks Jean Monnet to write a paper; Paul Reuter, Schuman's
legal adviser, writes most of the many drafts. Monnet makes some corrections.
For Monnet, who had not followed events at Strasbourg, Reuter was at the
origin of the supranational High Authority.
9 May Europe Declaration, a decision of the French Government,
proposes a supranational European Community, starting with
coal and steel. Spoke to Parliament, ambassadors and at 6 pm Press Conference.
The Community, he said, was open to all European countries, including Russia.
10 Departure for London.
11 May opening of London conference with Acheson,
14 May Jean Monnet arrived in London
12 June French government nominated J Monnet as
delegate with special powers for Schuman Plan
20 June opened Schuman Plan conference in Paris.
'We are very conscious that we are not permitted to fail,' he said.
'Never has such a system as that which we preconize been the object
of an experiment before. Never before have states entrusted, nor
even envisaged delegating a fraction of their sovereignty to an independent
supranational authority.' He also defines the system again as the
European Community.
29 June Korean invasion leading to war.
10 August In speech to Council of Europe Assembly,
he explained that the new Community would 'thus set up the first
example of an independent supranational institution.'
23 October French government adopted plan
for a European Defence Community
4 November Signature in Rome of European
Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms guaranteeing the
citizens legal protection against state abuse. Initiated an independent
juridical authority higher than the state. For Schuman acceptance of such
human rights also furnished the means to define the confines of Europe
rather than geographical borders, politics, race or religion. The
'revolutionary innovation' of Supranationality engaged the necessary motor
for its unity.
24 November Schuman presented Draft project of European Defence Community
to Council of Europe Assembly.
1951 10 January, with Pierre Pflimlin presented 'green
pool' plan for supranational organization of agricultural markets.
18 April Signature of Paris Treaty founding the European Coal and Steel
Community and pledge for the re-organizaton of Europe open to all
nations, based on supranational principles with its five
key democratic institutions..
6 December French national Assembly ratified treaty.
1952 Preparatory conference on 'Green Pool' opens
in Paris.
May Assembly of Council of Europe recommended 'Green Pool' proposal. (Projects
fails. Instead Europe later adopted a common agricultural policy based
on different principles involving complex finances and subsidies.)
Assembly discussed supranational European Political Community.
10 August in Luxembourg as European Coal and Steel Community started functioning,
Jean Monnet as President.
1954 30 August. French Assembly fails to ratify Defence
Community, already ratified by parliaments of Germany, Netherlands, Belgium,
Luxembourg and Italy.
1955 Minister of Justice in Edgar Faure government:
President of European Movement 1955-61. Pro-European activities around
Europe and elsewhere.
Pilgrimage to Holy Land 'I am sure that even above peace between France
and Germany and the peace of Europe, Robert Schuman placed peace in the
Holy Land, since the latter commands the former.' W d'Ormesson, diplomat.
1958 Unanimously elected President of the Parliamentary
Assembly of the European Communities, Strasbourg. Received by acclamation
of Parliament uniquely the title 'Father of Europe'.
1959 January. Told colleagues at European Parliament
that the collapse of the Communist power system was certain 'before
the end of the century.' (The USSR, at height of its power, launched the
world's first satellite, Sputnik, in October 1957, opening space age.)
1960 Named Honorary President of the European Parliament.
1962 Retirement from active political life because
of sickness
1963 4 October Death at home in Scy Chazelles, near
Metz, Lorraine. Adenauer obliged by de Gaulle to retract his already announced
presence at the funeral. Protest of six former prime ministers who declined
the invitation because of refusal of authorities to invite Jean Monnet.
(c) DHP, Bron Communications 2004/6
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