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World Speeches
The Definition of the New Europe St
James’s Palace, London Signature of Statutes of Council of Europe, 5 May 1949 |
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News and Research on Europe highlighting Robert Schuman's
political, economic, philosophical contribution from the independent Schuman
Project Directed by David H Price.
Further information Tel/Fax: +322 230 7621. email: info@schuman.info ©Bron 1999- 2008
ROBERT SCHUMAN What contemporaries thought of Schuman Robert Schuman's Proposal of 9 May 1950 Was the Proposal the start of a European Federation?
ENLARGEMENT Enlargement: long awaited! Collect EU's 5 keys
Europe's democratic institutions What is the difference between a
federation or a supranational Community? EUROPE'S HISTORY WARNING! Counterfeiters of European History OFFICIALLY at Work! What did Schuman say about post-Soviet Europe? POLICY How to manage disastrous CLIMATE CHANGE
Schuman’s speech soars beyond the Council of
Europe as a founding institution. He points the way to the future for
Europe. He speaks of this path as the means to attain ‘a
vast and long-lasting supranational union.’ This expression
puzzled some, including the Gaullist French Ambassador in London, in spite of numerous
diplomatic cables Schuman sent. However, the early work of the Council
showed this was well understood by the parliamentarians. Schuman
could hardly have had a more distinguished audience: heads of government,
foreign ministers and ambassadors. There was maximum media coverage. The
Statutes were signed by foreign ministers of 10 States.[1] The
Council of Europe owed its existence to Robert Schuman’s 1947-8
governments. They had proposed that European governments, not private
organizations, should create the Council of Europe. The discussions had
been difficult, opposition sustained. Some countries, such as Britain, that
signed this day had, at
first, strenuously opposed creating such a body. However, the whole
process took exactly the time that Schuman, as Prime Minister, had
foreseen. Schuman
said one of the major achievements was for the first time to establish the
means to express European public
opinion. Public agreement is fundamental to a supranational
organization that needs to be based on frank, public analysis and support.
The European spirit involves the
mutual respect for each other’s talents, concurrence with their goals
and help with each other’s problems. European action is based on three
stages: the analysis of realities; the elaboration of new possibilities;
and choice of action according to moral duties. The duties are dealt with
in the Strasbourg speech. Schuman
made it clear that the work ahead was to create a rejuvenated nucleus of
Europe into which it would be able to welcome in countries, such as those
then behind the Iron Curtain, making it whole. A few days earlier, he had signed the Treaty of Washington that he had helped write, establishing NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The speech here involves another way of building security for peace. But it does not depend on the superiority of military equipment, the coercive force of occupation or the political extortion of annexing territories like the Saar, the Rhineland or the Ruhr. On the contrary, this supranational form of security opens up a way of ensuring safe disarmament. [1] Belgium (Spaak), Denmark (Rasmussen), France (Schuman), Irish Republic (MacBride), Italy (Sforza), Luxembourg (Bech), The Netherlands (Stikker), Norway (Lange), Sweden (Undén), UK (Bevin).
The supranational Community Definition of the New Europe "The
definition of Europe as a geographical entity
has long been a topic of academic debate and it is still going on. But
Europe cannot wait for the end of such an interminable discussion. She
will define herself by herself by the
willingness of her populations. With
her pressing needs for moral and material restoration, and tormented by
her thirst for peace and security, she will build herself in concrete
achievements, based on her cultural affinities and by the pooling of her
resources. Marshall
Aid has stimulated decisively the economic organization of the European
countries. Their common defense was the subject of recent treaties,
safeguarding the liberty and independence of the signatory nations. Today,
we cast the foundations of a spiritual and political
cooperation, from which the European spirit
will be born, the founding principle of a vast and
enduring supranational union.[1] This
union will have neither as a goal nor as its outcome the weakening of our
link to the nation. On the contrary, the
diversity and originality of the contributions that the member countries
bring to their Community
will supply the vital nutrient for the works conceived by the European
association. We can thus reconcile vigorous, dynamic expansion with those
matters requiring prudence and realism. We
do not intend to deny our own past history, or weaken the vitality of our
personal aspirations; our only limit is how to coordinate them in our
immense collective work. The
warm welcome that was kindly given us by the British sovereign, {George
VI}, a welcome that we will long time retain in our memory, should suffice
to reassure all of us, if that were necessary, of any qualms about
patriotism. In practical terms, we can no better serve our own country
than by assuring it in peace and independence that it is so sustained by
other friendly countries, all mutually supportive in seeking a deep
prosperity that will be enduring as long as it is common to us all. We
know only too well where the ‘splendid’ and selfish isolation of
states can lead us. States, like individuals, were created to get to
understand each other and to help each other out. It is on French soil that our institution will be installed. France is grateful for the choice you have made. It is for her an honor and will remain so as testimony of your trust. France has always felt that she had such a calling and mission. Our revolutionaries once carried beyond our frontiers the new message of liberty – today this has became the legacy of all mankind. In their zeal they did not always know how to keep themselves within the limit of peaceful methods. We will not suffer the same temptation. Example and persuasion will be the only means available in this enterprise; it will be exclusively peaceful and constructive. We will threaten nobody. We are associating ourselves together for mutual help. We serve the entirety of Europe, moreover, in creating the nucleus of a renewed Europe, rejuvenated through the tribulations we have undergone together and conscious of Europe’s eternal mission for civilization. (Emphasis added) Le
Principe supranational
définition de l’Europe comme entité géographique a fait l’objet de
savantes polémiques qui continuent. Mais, l’Europe ne saurait attendre
la fin de ce débat ; elle se définit elle-même par la volonté de ses
populations. Pressée
par les besoins de sa restauration matérielle et morale, hantée par sa
soif de paix et de sécurité, elle se construit dans le réel, sur la
base de ses affinités culturelles et par la mise en commun de ses
ressources. L’aide
Marshall a stimulé d’une façon décisive l’organisation économique
des pays européens. Leur défense commune a été l’objet de traités récents,
sauvegarde de la liberté et de l’indépendance des nations adhérentes.
nous jetons les fondations d’une coopération spirituelle et politique,
de laquelle naîtra l’esprit européen, principe
d’une vaste et durable union supranationale.[1] Cette
union n’aura ni pour but ni pour conséquence d’affaiblir le lien
national. La diversité et l’originalité des apports que feront les
pays membres à leur communauté
fourniront, au contraire, l’aliment essentiel des travaux de
l’association européenne, rendront possible la conciliation entre
l’indispensable dynamisme et les considérations d’une prudence réaliste.
n’entendons ni renier notre passé propre, ni compromettre l’élan de
nos aspirations particulières que nous nous bornerons à coordonner dans
le cadre d’une immense oeuvre commune.
si bienveillant qu’a bien voulu nous réserver le souverain de la grande
nation britannique {George VI}, acceuil dont nous garderons un souvenir
reconnaissant, suffirait à rassurer, s’il fallait, nos scruples
patriotiques. On ne saurait, en effet, mieux servir son propre pays
qu’en lui assurant, dans la paix et dans l’indépendance, le concours
amical d’autres pays, solidaires dans la recherche d’un bien-être qui
sera durable dans la mesure où il sera commun à tous. Nous savons trop où
peut mener l’isolement hautain et égoïste des États. Comme les
individus, ils sont faits pour s’entendre et s’entr’aider. [1] Schuman had made clear that the Council of Europe ‘could not be a federation… The problem of relinquishing sovereignty must not be posed at the start: the essential thing is to build on a solid base.’ Press conference of 2 May 1949 in Massigli, René: Une Comédie des Erreurs, p167.